Wednesday, September 20, 2017

How To Build Confidence For More Effective Communication

Believe In Yourself

Communication plays a crucial role in our lives. Either when we are looking to meet someone, a job interview, being able to express our opinions about a subject, talking in public, and educating our clients about skincare and products, among so many other forms of communication are an integral part of our lives.

However, some people are just shy or not confident enough in their ability to communicate with others. So, how can you overcome this obstacle? How can you build confidence for more effective communication?

Here are 3 tips that will help you gain confidence in yourself:

#1: Body Language

The truth is that your body language says a lot about you. If you tend to walk with your head down, don't look at other people's eyes when you're talking with them, being nervous all the time, especially when someone talks to you or asks you a question, others see you as someone with lack of confidence. So, they will tend to not even hear what you have to say or simply ignore you.

When you enter in a room make sure that you walk straight like if you have a book on the top of your head. When talking to someone, look directly at this person's eyes, speak but also hear what others have to say, and always smile.

#2: Use The Power Of Visualization

Even though you may be one of those people who doesn't believe in the power of visualization, just give it a try. But do it as it should be done. There's a good reason why most successful people and athletes use visualization. Visualise yourself being the most informative and inspirational beauty expert. When you see this, how do you walk, how do you talk, what do you say? See your customers responding with enthusiasm and excitement.

When you have a goal and it seems that you'll never get there, visualization can be a key factor since it will serve as motivation.

#3: Cut Out The Negatives

The truth is that even when you see someone looking at you, you always end up wondering what is wrong with you instead of feeling good about yourself. One of the things that tend to hold people back when they are communicating (or trying to do so) is that their head is full of negative thoughts. All they can think of is that their comments or remarks won't be appreciated, no one wants to listen to their opinion, among so many other negative things.

Beauty practitioners especially can have negative thoughts when it comes to talking to their customers about products and services. They are thinking: “What if they can’t afford it? What if they are not interested? What if they think I don’t know what I’m talking about?”

The result of this kind of thoughts will reflect on yourself. You'll be nervous, distracted, stressed out. So, just try to block all these negative thoughts on your mind. Here are some strategies you can use to change the way you think to help you overcome these negative thoughts: How to change your attitude - Changing your attitude can change your life

If you would like more tips about overcoming your fears to help you boost your confidence, this will help: HOW TO OVERCOME YOUR FEAR OF SELLING

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